
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Easter Art

Welcome back to my blog.
Today I will be showing you our Easter art we did,
Like this blog if you think the Easter Art's are cool!
Some people finished their's in ONE day! I did, same as my friend. We got to choose 4 different types, 1: Ripped paper art, you have to colour the cross with different colours, 2: Drawing different things inside/outside the cross like vines, flowers, and MANY more, 3: Pastel colours, we cut out a cross, and coloured the sides with different colours, and put it on a different paper and smudged it. You will get it when you see the arts.
Question: Have you ever done these arts before?
My art:
 Sophie D's art:

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Reading Eggs

Reading Eggs
Today I will telling you about Reading Eggs,
It's a fun game, not just a game but you can read, vs other players, and more stuff. You can collect eggs to buy stuff like clothes, furniture and pets! You have to read the books in the library, but if you want the eggs, you have to answer questions, like a memory test!
Question: Do you play Reading Eggs?

Writing T3 W8

Ya-hoo! For writing this week, we made an infographic on what we were gonna do for PBL. I made mine on Good Health and Wellbeing and Mental ...