
Friday, September 28, 2018

Project Based Learning ~ Tumu Production ~ Battle of the Mountains

This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about cultural stories and the big question was;
What is the significance in the 21st Century of our Cultural stories?

First we brainstormed what culture is and came up with lots of ideas. Culture is Religions, where your from, stories, celebrations, holidays, and traditions.
Then we thought about our own culture and talked to our parents about our traditions and heritage. I wrote a post about my family and things we like to do.
In Literacy we read and discussed myths and legends from around the world then we concentrated on Maori legends. I read Maui and the Sun and Maui and the Fish.
We made a performance about the story Battle of the Mountains. Some students wrote the script, some students took on the job of making all the artwork, some worked hard on organising the music and others took on the role of bringing the story alive with dance and drama. I made a giant phone for someone because they were searching;
How to insult a mountain.
I also made a tiny phone for a prop. I finished cutting it out and drawing it in one day and the colouring in another day.


For our production I contributed by doing a few colouring and art, and also joined drama to be one of the kid mountains, playing. But my other friends, Olivia, and Cleo, got the part. Me and Sophie were the kid mountain’s friend’s. It was so much fun!

I think the show might impact on others by acting and singing in front of people and how you behave, because people won't enjoy it if they just keep looking at you if your talking and not focus on the show. And people won't enjoy it if your not singing much because then they won't hear you and it'll be boring.

What I learned about working with others was about what they're liking's are like: Art, Drama, Dancing, or Music. It was fun doing drama and art.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Fun 2 Weeks of Swimming

Hello bloggers and welcome back to another blog, if anybody is new here, special welcome to you.
This blog will be about Swimming.
It was fun but I had to skip the last 2 days because I got a cold! Sad and horrible, I know.
Swimming was fun, especially pencil diving.
I'm glad I didn't do a REAL dive because I would've belly flopped! What? It's not like everyone can do a dive easily.
The worst part for me would probably getting out of the pool.
The best part is getting in the pool and swimming.
I hated waiting for the other people because I'm not really a patient person.
On Wednesday, last week of swimming, we got life jackets, the next day, we got lifeboats, and on the last day, we got to wear pyjamas.. but I was sick. :(
Wanna see some pics? Sure!

How much do you LOVE swimming?

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Fantail ~ School Journal 2017

The Fantail, yes a bird that has a tail that looks like a fan, pretty weird imagining a bird with an actual fan.. Aha. Anyways, on with the story.

You can find the story on a school journal called: School Journal November 2017, or you can find it a different way. The story was made by Steph Matuku.

The Fantail story is about this boy who thought a Fantail went inside his house and he got scared. Wanna know why he got scared? It meant that someone was gonna die. But... Want me to spoil it? It wasn't a Fantail, it was a a bag of clean socks! And it's shadow looked like a Fantail. Wanna know different types of curses? Walking under a ladder, break a mirror and then 7 years bad luck.. Scared? Okay fine, enough bad luck, anyways, hope you enjoyed reading this blog.

Writing T3 W8

Ya-hoo! For writing this week, we made an infographic on what we were gonna do for PBL. I made mine on Good Health and Wellbeing and Mental ...