
Thursday, May 28, 2020

R e a d i n g T e r m 2 W e e k 7

Heyyo guys!

This blog will be about my Reading task for this week aka week 7. 
My reading goal for this week was "Visualise using all of the senses, and talk about how this enriches meaning."
My task was to pick sentences from a book I read and write what the senses were and what the author meant. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

W r i t i n g T e r m 2 W e e k 7

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog. 

In this blog, it will be about my writing task for this week. My writing goal for this week was "Use “show not tell” when appropriate." We got ideas from pictures on the website; Pobble. I chose a picture called The Woods. I wrote a story about a family going to a camp called Camp Sparrow for the summer. My story is called Life is a Journey. The main character is Chloe Porter, aka the reader or you. Feel free to read it! 

B Y E ! ! !

M a t h s T e r m 2 W e e k 7

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog.

In this blog, it will about be about my Maths task for this week! My maths goal this week was "Use a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers & decimals - Proportional Adjustment."  Anyways, that's all for today. B Y E ! ! !

Monday, May 18, 2020

H o w T o F a l l

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog.

In this blog, it will be about my reading task in Term 2, Week 4. My goal was "Identify several ideas, discuss the author's stance or purpose, and understand relationships in the text." I read a book called "How to Fall." It was about a girl who moved to a different city and she got mad at her mum because she misses her friends and her sister got to stay because she was at high school.

T r e e D i a g r a m

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog.

In this blog, it will be about Maths Term 2 Week 3, my goal was "Use tree diagrams to find the possible outcomes for a sequence of events." My questions were; "Question 1: What are the possibilities that Anu will get an apple, and orange and cherries? Question 2: What are the possibilities that she get 2 cherries? Question 3: What are the possibilities that she gets 1 apple and 2 oranges?"

R e a d i n g R e s p o n s e

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog.

For Term 2, Week 2, my reading goal was "Use knowledge from text to combine with new ideas (own and others) to come up with new thinking.
Make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts." 

Thursday, May 14, 2020

E l e c t r i c S c o o t e r s

Hey guys! Welcome back to another blog.

In this blog, it will be about my Reading workshop for Term 2, Week 5. My goal for this week is "Use questions to challenge the text, question the author, establish the authenticity of the text and state opinions." I read an article about Electric Scooters because it really caught my eye and I felt like writing about Electric Scooters.

Writing T3 W8

Ya-hoo! For writing this week, we made an infographic on what we were gonna do for PBL. I made mine on Good Health and Wellbeing and Mental ...