
Wednesday, March 27, 2019

~ Summary of Wild Boy ~

Hello aliens and welcome back to Blog Planet! This blog will be about a summary of Wild Boy. Intro: Wild Boy. A journal of Brando Yelavich and written by Stephanie Chamberlin. The first person to walk around New Zealand’s entire coastline. Brando decided to do everything by himself along the way, hunting or fishing for food. Brando was also hoping to raise $10,000 for the Ronald McDonald house. He took 600 hundred days to cross NZ’s entire coastline.

Main Point 1: Brando Yelavich was the first person to walk around New Zealand’s entire coastline, and was also hoping to raise $10,000 for the Ronald McDonald house. He was all alone on his journey, nobody to talk too.

Main Point 2: Whenever it was breakfast, lunch or dinner, Brando would hunt for his food. He wanted to do everything by himself, by hand. His first day hunting for food was a challenge. One time, he ate a squashed weta on the bottom of his boot, and also another time, he at a possum!

Main Point 3: Having 600 hundred days alone was a real challenge,  it’s like being the only one on Earth. Brando walked so much kilometers and raised more than $30,000 for the charity he chose. And then he wrote “Wild Boy” and became one of the top books!

Main Point 4: Brando said “Life is just too good” and “The universe is an incredible place there’s beauty all around us” Now that Brando’s life is back to “normal” he’s enjoying every single day as  it come’s. He’s got a job as well. He also wants to tell everyone to get out there and do what they want to do. Even though it was hard, he still continued to finish his journey.

“Life is just too good”
“The universe is a beautiful place, there’s beauty all around us”

Thursday, March 21, 2019

~ Beautiful Flowers (Chapter Two) ~

Chapter Two -

"Yeah, I think so!"

"Do you wanna go to the party?" Asked Rosa. "Yeah! Of course! You know how much I LOVE parties!" Said Rosanna. "I heard the mall is opening probably this weekend" said Rosa. They both squeal in happiness. "I want to get the best outfit! Not Gucci or Supreme, too expensive for my liking" said Rosanna. They walk to the park and see they GUY friend, not BOY friend, his name is Jacob and he's the smartest in his class. "Hey Rosa, hey Rosanna!" said Jacob. They also see Jacob's sister, Jayla. "Hey Jayla!" They both say. Jacob and Jayla are twins, which I think it's pretty cool for me. "Are you guys going to the party?" asked Jacob, "Yeah! Were going! You wanna go to the mall on the weekends? I think that's when it's opening" said Rosa. The twins both nod quickly and smile. "We are definitely going!" said Jacob. Jacob had beautiful brown highlights and blonde hair, and Jayla had the same, thought you wanted to know. Wellll... I need more story ideas, that's why this chapter was kinda short.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

~ Swimming Sports (LATE Post) ~

Hello aliens and welcome back to Blog planet!
This blog post was a bit late but here it is!
This blog will be about Swimming Sports!
I came last for all events but it was actually my first time doing 25m so yeah!
These are the events and length we did

Events and Lengths -
Cleo - 50m, Freestyle and Backstroke
Samantha M - 25m, Freestyle and Backstroke
Sophie C - 25m, Freestyle and Backstroke
Me - 25m, Freestyle and Backstroke

My swimming lessons were after swimming sports, 
everyone was kinda confused but that what just the way things went.

~ Beautiful Flowers (Chapter One) ~

Chapter One -

A girl, who had beautiful blonde hair and a few curls walks down the street she lives in. She found something odd.. There would usually be quite a lot of people walking down that street.. But she didn't really care. As she stood of her friend's house, that had massive doors, 2 story modern mansion, a gate with a pass and 2 cute dog, she saw her friend standing behind the window. She waves hi and puts the pass and the gate opens. By the way, the pass is 1234. Heh. Well, let's go back to the story. Her friend runs downstairs and runs to the door to open it. "Hey Rosa!!" her friend says, well, now we know her name. "Hey Rosanna!!" Rosa says, "did you hear about the new mall that's opening?" "Yeah! I heard it's massive! They're gonna have Typo and Jay Jays and Cheap Skates in there!" Rosanna says. They both squeal in excitement with their beautiful smiles. "I've been working at Starbucks for the past couple of months! I've been saving up for the stuff I'm buying!" says Rosa. "Oh my gosh! How great for you! I've actually been working somewhere else!" Rosanna said. "How cool!" said Rosa, smiling. Rosanna waves goodbye to her parents while they walk down the street. "Oh, what's all the Roses for?" asked Rosanna "Uhm... I don't know.." said Rosa. They both follow the trail of Roses and it leads to Park Blossom, AKA the park of flowers and plants. "Hm, somebody could've dropped flowers..??" Rosa said, thinking. "Oh look! There's gonna be a party later! Hm, our parents probably forgot to tell us. I think this is the Blossom Party.. Aren't they celebrating 100 years?" asked Rosanna. "Yeah, I think so!"
To be continued..

(Question: Where do you think Rosanna should work? A donut shop?)

~ #ChooseKind ~

Hello little aliens, and welcome to Blog planet!
This blog will be about #ChooseKind!

What Kindness looks like -
Kindness is just a simple thing everyone can use or afford.
You can smile at people and it can brighten people's day.
Or even just wave hello or compliment them "Hey, nice dress!"

In my school, everyone has been making a t-shirt saying "#ChooseKind"
I wanna show you guys mine that includes Kindness quotes -

~ Swimming! ~

Hello aliens and welcome back to Blog planet!
Were heading back to memories because this blog was a bit late.
This blog will be about Swimming Lessons!

Swimming Lessons -
Cleo - Highest Group
Samantha M - Lowest Group
Sophie C - Middle Group
Me - Lowest Group
To be honest I thought I would get into the Middle Group.
At the end, we got to do life saving and boats and at the very end, we got to wear pj's to the pool!

Writing T3 W8

Ya-hoo! For writing this week, we made an infographic on what we were gonna do for PBL. I made mine on Good Health and Wellbeing and Mental ...